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About Us

Uf.Bee is the first company in Ukraine manufacturing reusable beeswax food wraps, environmentally friendly alternative to cling film and the best storing solution for keeping your food fresh for longer. Since late 2018, our mission has been to make the age of Mars colonization plastic free here, on Earth, and as of 2022 — make Ukraine free of russians!

About Us
Electronno y bezkoshtovno, ta-daam teper u nas ye maksymalno vycherpna іnstruktsiya do @uf.bee.
Zero Waste 11 29, 2019

Electronic and free, ta-daam: now we have exhausted the instruction to @uf.bee.

This is the solution to our long-standing dilemma: how to tell everything we know without printing a paper instruction. The decision has been made and now information about observation, recommendations and warnings can be found in our e-instruction.

All you need to do to receive it when purchasing @uf.bee is to add this product to your cart. Then in the electronic letter about the execution of your order, you will receive an active link to download the document.

All, oh so simple 😉