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About Us

Uf.Bee is the first company in Ukraine manufacturing reusable beeswax food wraps, environmentally friendly alternative to cling film and the best storing solution for keeping your food fresh for longer. Since late 2018, our mission has been to make the age of Mars colonization plastic free here, on Earth, and as of 2022 — make Ukraine free of russians!

About Us
🕵Не так давно вчені встановили, що броколі містить сульфорафон — сполуку, що в організмі допомагає запобігти розвитку язви та онкозахворювань.
Zero Waste 10 16, 2019

🕵Recently, scientists have established that broccoli contains sulforaphane - a compound that helps prevent the development of ulcers and oncological diseases.

Оnough with the current season, we will insist that you add this miracle vegetable to your diet, and also take care to ensure that sulforaphane and the rest of the useful substances in broccoli are preserved in wax wrappers @uf.bee 🚀