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About Us

Uf.Bee is the first company in Ukraine manufacturing reusable beeswax food wraps, environmentally friendly alternative to cling film and the best storing solution for keeping your food fresh for longer. Since late 2018, our mission has been to make the age of Mars colonization plastic free here, on Earth, and as of 2022 — make Ukraine free of russians!

About Us
From the experience of our and thousands of our clients wax wrappers - this is an incredibly wonderful gift! 🎁
Zero Waste 12 14, 2023

Delicacies as a gift - a class, but their crunch is gone. Instead, wax wrappers will last a year, and they are already agreeing at the table, but they do not wait, so they cover you. This is really your visual time, and you will be able to demonstrate how it works, tell what, how and why, and how long they serve - year by year you will remember such a cool thing.

And these are all wax wrappers! And their price is still very tempting: from 94 UAH you can already buy one wax wrapper, but it is best to choose a set for 370. There are different sizes, with which you cover a sandwich, a salad, and the remains of decoration.