Hello, have you tried beeswax wraps?
About Us
Uf.Bee is the first company in Ukraine manufacturing reusable beeswax food wraps, environmentally friendly alternative to cling film and the best storing solution for keeping your food fresh for longer. Since late 2018, our mission has been to make the age of Mars colonization plastic free here, on Earth, and as of 2022 — make Ukraine free of russians!
About Us5 principles of effectively buying products
5 principles that make product shopping healthier and more ecological:
1. Choose local and seasonal: this is the tastiest and most ecological; for example, fresh parsley can still be found here, and it contains a lot of vitamins A, C, and K.
2. Don't be afraid of what they call ugly produce - these are imperfect-looking products. First, supermarkets discard such products: but what about us, are they harmful? Second, such products are less processed, so it's better for their beneficial properties.
3. Get to know the unfamiliar. Ordinary cabbage contains tartaric acid and vitamin U - very rare and very useful.
4. Choose maximum diversity. For example, red vegetables signal to us about a high content of antioxidants, but do they harm anyone?
5. It's time to make shopping - make sure that you store all purchased items as long as possible. Our tip is when what we paid for has to be simply thrown away, it's a waste. Wax wrappers are made from natural cotton, impregnated with beeswax solution. This gives our wrappers antibacterial properties to prevent the growth of bacteria that spoil products. So don't hesitate, order our wax wrappers and let everything be stored as long as possible 🤗
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The only beeswax wraps in the world in cosmic design and food grade certified at L.I. Medved’s Research Center of Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
для сиру, накрити тарілку і взагалі це найуніверсальніший розмір!
- Басейна площа, 6 (Le Silpo, Арена Сіті)
- Дніпровська набережна, 12 (Сільпо, River Mall)
- Кільцева дорога, 1 (Сільпо, ТРЦ Respublika Park)
- Спортивна площа, 1А (Сільпо, ТРЦ Gulliver)
- Столичне шосе, 103 (Сільпо, Atmosfera)
- вул. Хрещатик, 27 (Всі.Свої)
- проспект С. Бандери, 36 (Всі.Свої, ТРЦ Блокбастер)
- Спортивна площа, 1А (Etnika Home, ТРЦ Gulliver)
- вул. Салютна, 2 (Крамниця-кав'ярня «Шафарня», ЖК «Файна Таун», 9 будинок)
- пр. Степана Бандери, 21 (магазин "Свій Мед”, вхід “Медапаратура” через прохідну біля магазину Samsung, 6 поверх, офіс №618)
- вул. Генуезька, 24 Б (Le Silpo)
- вул. Георгія Липського, 135 (Космос у ТЦ "Мегадом”)
- вул. Академічна, 28 (Космос у ТЦ "Сади Перемоги")